Sunday, March 9, 2008

"don't be a butt"

alright, so there is a guy that lives by me, and he's a smoker. no, this isn't one of those stupid pathetic jokes that i don't even get, so keep reading. if you walk down the street parallel with my neighborhood, there is a wall between you and where i live. so, this man likes to smoke his cigs and then flick them over the wall. well, i think thats rude. so do you want to know what i did? i picked up all the cigs on the sidewalk, and went around the wall, and put them in front of his door. while it was open and he was sitting on the other side of the wall watching tv. i decided next time i'm going to put them all in a box, wrap it like a present, and attach a note that says, "don't be a butt." do you think he'll get it?

my mom just offered to get me a gym membership. i'm a little reluctant, and you should know why. if you don't, ask alana. or not. anyway, i think i want to take her up on this offer, because i'm eating now. and that's good. ha ha. sorry, that wasn't funny. anyway, i think i'm ready to start the whole physical exercise thing and not get obsessed about it. one thing, i'm too busy to always be at the gym. another, she'll be paying for it. i think. i don't know. whatev.

well, i guess i'm sort of boring because i can't think of anything to write. oh, do you like the picture? it's of my hand and phillip's, a little boy with autism that i volunteer for. he's the cutest thing ever. and then that's me and him. he's the cutest ever. i pretty much love him. well, i miss your guts.



alana.rachelle said...

remember how i am sitting in my basement because my laptop in getting cleaned out and remember how my little sisters are both right in their rooms trying to sleep and i am out here laughing hysterically as i imagine you putting a box of cig butts on your neighbor's door with a note saying not to be a butt?! that is freaking hilarious! laura just yelled at me to shut up and so i just yelled back that it doesn't matter how much sleep she gets, it still won't make her beautiful! wow i'm a bitch but she can't tell me what to do damn it! haha i love you t! what are you doing next week?

it's me, t said...

ha ha lana i'm laughing now because i'm imagining you yelling at your sister saying sleep wont make her beautiful. HA HA! damn. i miss you. i'm not sure what i'm doing next week. i have the last week in march off, so i don't have a break yet. how about you? when's your break?

alana.rachelle said...

next freaking week! i was going to talk to jason about paying me so i can come see you, but i didn't want to inconvience you if you had school/work/volunteering/temple/ other stuff. give me a call and we can figure it out! :)

brie said...

I can't believe you were so brave to give that man his butts back. I would've talked and talked about how much I wanted to do it, then copped out. But that's hilarious. If you're killed though, in your sleep, I'll know why, and I will be sad.