ok lana, this one is for you.
so anyway, i went to temple on friday definitely hoping, but not expecting to see nicho there. he was. and there were only like 10 other people that came to service. well, after the oneg, he asked if i wanted to go for coffee, but seriously, i was way too tired, and i had a ride with judy and i'd promised my mom i'd be home early. she's felt a little abandoned i guess. ugh... mom's. so i told nicho i'd love to, but i promised my mom i'd be home with her. how freaking pathetic does that sound? he told me he just felt bad for not getting my number last week. :D
so yeah, i gave it to him. we've been texting, but he said he'd call me today, and still hasn't. i'm not one to call some one, especially a guy. i'm old fashioned. ok, but he's an aeronautical engineer. i'm not exactly sure what the hell that is, but it sounds awesome. i've pretty much decided i'm going to marry him. :D
i've come to the conclusion that i really suck at this whole blogging thing. what the hell else do i have to say? i've been so freaking busy that i don't even know what the hell has been going on. i saw my brother last night. there's really not much to say about that. i'm tired and have to go to work at 5pm. still not much interest for anyone in adding that. whatev.
i think i'm going to buy a plane ticket soon for utah. i want to make sure i at least go up there for my two year out of the center. i know that's far, in nov, but if i plan it now and get a ticket... maybe i'll actually follow through. poop.
my boobs hurt, and NO, i'm not pregnant. thanks for the suggestion though, lana. i miss you so much. for real. too much. oh, did whit and brie go to to vegas? i swear whit hates me. she hasn't responded to me in forever. anywho. i'm out.
hooray for your post! nicho sounds awesome! thats way cool that he's an aeronautical engineer! i think thats what you wrote! they design airplanes i think.... still way cool. yeah brie and whit went down and i was bummed i couldn't go but i hope they had fun. i haven't heard from them yet... and i personally don't think whit hates you. she's just in her own little world of working and being in recovery. she doesn't ever call or text me anymore either. what can you do, ya know?? anyway, i love you lots and if i get paid i want to come stay with you for a week next month over spring break. is that okay? i can't think of another way i would rather spend my time! :) GA marathon? love you t!
Aeronautical engineer? Airplanes? No. They design submaries, don't they? Oh wait. Is that an aquanautical engineer? He'd be even cooler if he was one of those.
Yes, we did go to St George/Mesquite, and yes, we had a rockin time playing BINGO. Whit was a bit of a gimp but we had fun anyway. And no, of course Whit does't hate you, she just has no minutes on her freakin' cell, of course.
You should text Nicho and tell him you have hot tits. That oughta elicit a call from him!
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