In response to Brie and Lana, yes, I'm also glad I gave in to peer pressure. Lana, you'll also be glad to hear that your 21 year old friend has finally experienced a little bit of drunkeness. I'll tell you about it later.
So as I understood it, one in recovery from an eating disorder is pretty much destined to go through hard times with all the food shit. And then once that known fact happens, all of a sudden the one's that were encouraging you need to distance themselves from you because you're going down the wrong path. I'm not sure, but I thought that's when support is the most helpful. Everyone wants to be by your side as long as you're doing fine, but the second things get rocky, it seems like all that goes down the toilet. Or wherever.
So why then must people be so suspicious if you actually ARE doing well? Oh my God!! And for all you mormons out there... Oh my heck! Sorry, just reading that Brie isn't able to saw "hi" to Julie because of any weight shit, when she's actually seriously doing quite well is bullshit. And even if she wasn't, what's so wrong with supporting some one in need? I just think thats pretty messed up. When I tell people I'm doing well, and even people here that see me, they assume I'm hiding something or that something will definately go wrong soon because there's no way I'm ok with how I look. And not that it matters, but I'm at a healthy weight even by the Center's standards. Whatev. I'm honestly over trying to make other people believe what I feel or try to get their validation. Because as far as I'm concerned, they can shove their support up their ass.
On a semi-lighter note, I got to prick some one's finger today at school!! We were practicing the procedure for screening cholesterol levels. I got poked too, but I must admit, squeezing blood from some one's finger is somewhat satisfying. I swear that sounds a lot creepier than I meant it to be. Maggie's home! SPPOOOOOOODDLLEEE!!!! I have to go get ready for my Judaism class. Maybe later I'll explain my venture into the world of alcohol. :D I swear I'm not crazy for it. But I must admit, being drunk is kind of fun. Peace.
Well fine then. I'll just take this big sandwich of support I was about to give you and shove it up my skinny, Gollum-esque ass!
But really.
I agree with yo shiz.
You should go read my newest blogs. They're about a day in the life at CFC...and yeah. You'll get some shits and giggles out of it.
t i miss you like a hershey's wrapper misses its kiss! yeah f those retards that keep thinking we are doing bad when we aren't! lame jane.... umm i definitely need to hear all about his drunkeness that i depressingly didn't get to be a part of! :( tell ya what though- you know you're going crazy when you are sitting here alone and just jonesing for a shot or two... hell. love ya bitch.
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