i have way too much to write about. let's start with the fact that i just completely doubled the amout of times i've been drunk. and i think i was a lot more drunk last night than the last time, but i don't have a hang over. although, i did have to crap like 4 times already today and i've only been awake for like an hour and a half. i must say the fact that i feel like i've lost like 10 pounds in poo isn't really bothering me. anyway, i'm able to say "no" to drinking, but once you start it's not so simple to be content with one drink. let's just say i was a wee bit tipsy last night. don't worry, i was at my friends house and i stayed the night. regardless, i'm pretty sure i'm not a partier. not so much into the lifestyle of not being able to control the things i say. so no more vodka shots for trace... k?
on a different note, niko. that's all i have to say. who said jewish boys couldn't be tall, dark, and handsom? niko. i'm still new to this whole being social thing. i'm still not sure i'm meant for it. i think i make more of a fool out of myself than anything else. i met him at temple on friday night. i didn't get his number or give out mine. i'm kind of old fashioned... i'm not going to give it out unless he asks for it. and there's NO way in hell i'd ask for his. but we mutually hope to see eachother next friday. :D shut up, i know i'm a dumbass.
yesterday was whit's bday. 21 years of life. and i didn't even get to be there to wish her happy birthday. and yes, i'd have spanked her 21 times. just to say i spanked whitney. i love you. ha ha.
i need to go and call my dad. i have work at 5 and i think he wanted to meet up. i'm tired. anyway peace.
Well, by definition of a guy being a jew, he's got at least two of the three "tall, dark, and handsome" requisites down. He's not always handsome, but he sure has hell is always tall and dark...at least in my mind. Are jews short? They seem tall to me. But what do I know, right?
I'll scold you now and say don't go alchey (pronounced al-key, I'm not sure how to spell that. It's a hard one) on me. ED's enough, sista! You need no new addictions!
(But if you do want a new one, I recommend one a little more original. Anyone can love a bottle, you know? Go for something, like, I dunno, pulling out your hair or being nympho for midgets. That stuff is bad ass.
Actually, make it going nympho for midget jews. That would be the most amazing thing ever!
it was so fun o chat with you last night! i miss your freaking guts! as for niko... hells yeah! first of all, his name is so hot it's practically an aphrodisiac (sp?). and you met him at temple! how cool is that? as for the shots... the next time you have a shot it better be some tequilla with a splash of grenedene and then think of me! the most popular liquor with the sweetest- what can i say, not everyone can handle an alana yuen! haha
you are pretty much uber adorable that you wrote sucha sweet comment on ashley's blog. i know she appreciates it and i really love that you took the time to do that! i love your buns!
I miss your guts! I am going to call you sometime really soon! Promise you wont turn into a crazy alcholic though....I wouldn't want to see my cute little Tracy get locked away with scary druggies or anything! You rock my world and I can't wait to see you again someday.
Oh yeah...Go for the tall, dark, handsome jew....sounds like a plan to me!
James here, the next time you have a shot it better be some tequilla with a splash of grenedene and then think of me.
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