so, justin is probably on a plain right now flying to new zealand. i'm so sad. i almost wonder if it would've been better if i hadn't met him. ok, no that's definately not what i wish. just watch, someday i'm gonna be married to him. you laugh. but just watch. i'm already working on getting my passport. anyone for a new zealand trip in the not too distant future?
today i got certified for cpr. can i just tell you that that class was a load of shit. any class where they give you a cheat sheet and review the test right before you take it is really sad. let's just say that if i needed it, i'd rather not be resuscitated than have one of the students in that class slap an AED on me. regardless, i have a cpr card.
I start injections next week in my class. all this shit i was looking forward to isn't as exciting as it was before i met my future husband. i totally hope he never sees this. how freaking psycho do i sound. whatev.
my mom pissed me off tonight. i asked her to come to temple with me. it was my mom, judy and me, and they both ganged up on me trying to shuve brownies in my face. ok, i'm doing well. i made the mistake of telling them i accidentally lost like 5 pounds and shit. and i know it sounds stupid, but i really didn't mean to. i've just been all upset lately and you know how it's really hard to swallow when you're sad or anxious. plus i was just on my period, and let's not get into that. anyway, fuck. now judy keeps inviting her to shit. and i don't want to go. fuck that. i should just move to new zealand. ha ha. jk.
ps alana, don't you dare text my mom anything about this. i'll shoot you. thanks.
oh ti-vo you are crazy. don't worry, i'm not going to talk to mama maria about anything you aren't already talking to her about. that is,UNLESS you go all crazy and EDed again! hahaha so just don't do it, okay? i'm really over the whole relapse thing. how about just having a productive, content, normal life? sounds good? good! it's a plan! haha i'm sorry the boy is gone though! thats such a bummer! i hope you got to see him lots before he left, and that he left you with the most amazing kiss of your entire life!!! :)
Ahhh, Trace. I am sad for you! If you need some lovin, you know that I am right here for you :P
Love Always,
I'm sorry Boy Toy is gone. That can't be easy. If you need phone and/or cyber sex to take him off your mind, you know where to find some sexy gollum lovin' :)
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