No DAMNIT!! I hit some one with my freaking Corolla! Seriously, does it all have to happen at once? Whatev. You know what I love though? I take out my camera phone to take a picture, not for the insurance, but because I knew I'd want to upload it onto my blog. You know you're pathetic when the first thing you think of is your blog during life's most trying events. Alana was the first person besides my mom to find out. I figured she'd help me out. She's had major experience. She's the Collision Queen. Thanks Billy.
So, the cop was super nice. He said he was going to arrest me because I was originally from Utah. I told him I was from Ca, and then I just ended up telling him why I was in Utah. Let me tell you, pitty is a blessing from God. He totally felt bad for me and said he had family that had an eating disorder. He did site me for the crash, or the fact that my place are expired. Yeah. Since Feb. Ha ha. Plus he said by the looks of the skid marks, I was already breaking and only going about 20 mph. I'm not sure if that's true, but I'm not going to argue with the man. So, now I'm just at home, deciding whether or not I should walk to Wallgreens to pick up some coffee heathbar crunch and watch Juno for the 17millionth time this week.
I just got a call from my insurance company. And it's what I thought. I only had liability, not full coverage. Shitface. Oh well. So ice cream and a move anyone?
"Maybe they'll like Cannonize me for being so selfless." -Juno
"Or maybe like totally shit, and be really, really mad!" -Leah
Well, if it makes you feel any better, (and it should) this winter I got in three accidents in a three week period. And I only have liability, too. Boo. Double boo!
"Hey, you should go to China to get a baby. I hear they give those things out like free iPods..."
hells bells silly,
i'm sorry you got in an accident. i'm thrilled that you thought of me in your moment of collision aftermath. geez. but it will be okay, and the relatively good news is that in the end you get a new car out of it! you've wanted a new one for a while! haha i didn't want to have to buy my new car but once i knew i had to, i was so excited! you were there! but in the end, i'm just glad that you are okay! i saw a way bad accident on the freeway last night and thought of you and was so grateful that you weren't hurt!!! let me know what you are looking to spend and my daddy says that he can totally help you find a good deal on a car! and then i get to see you! hooray! maybe if you wait for like 2 weeks i can drive back down there with you cuz i'll be on break from school!!! that'd be way fun. okay, well silly, i loves you likes paris giving enemas. sada sa sada sa sada sa sa sada sa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ciao lover!
"Next time I see that Bleeker kid, I'm going to punch him in the wiener."
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