just so all of you from utah know. i'm not sure how long i can take it without going down to the BEACH!!!!!
curse not having a car and work. because i don't have a car and i have work tonight. so not fair.
poop. i also have a test tomorrow. damn beach weather.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
"did you hit some one with the privia?"

No DAMNIT!! I hit some one with my freaking Corolla! Seriously, does it all have to happen at once? Whatev. You know what I love though? I take out my camera phone to take a picture, not for the insurance, but because I knew I'd want to upload it onto my blog. You know you're pathetic when the first thing you think of is your blog during life's most trying events. Alana was the first person besides my mom to find out. I figured she'd help me out. She's had major experience. She's the Collision Queen. Thanks Billy.
So, the cop was super nice. He said he was going to arrest me because I was originally from Utah. I told him I was from Ca, and then I just ended up telling him why I was in Utah. Let me tell you, pitty is a blessing from God. He totally felt bad for me and said he had family that had an eating disorder. He did site me for the crash, or the fact that my place are expired. Yeah. Since Feb. Ha ha. Plus he said by the looks of the skid marks, I was already breaking and only going about 20 mph. I'm not sure if that's true, but I'm not going to argue with the man. So, now I'm just at home, deciding whether or not I should walk to Wallgreens to pick up some coffee heathbar crunch and watch Juno for the 17millionth time this week.
I just got a call from my insurance company. And it's what I thought. I only had liability, not full coverage. Shitface. Oh well. So ice cream and a move anyone?
"Maybe they'll like Cannonize me for being so selfless." -Juno
"Or maybe like totally shit, and be really, really mad!" -Leah
Sunday, April 6, 2008
crappity crap

how can some one be so freaking amazing and yet, be so far from where he should be? ha ha i'm kidding. i'm seriously not that obsessed, crazy status. but still.
so, i can pretty much recite the entire juno movie. not that that's something to brag about. i saw my aunt today. i haven't seen her in a while. but she brought up a very interesting point. i have an uncle. well, i have 6 uncles, but one in particular happens to be a dive master and always is visiting exotic countries so he can go scuba diving. she told me that i should get him to take me to new zealand because he would totally pay for everything. how aweful is that that i totally want to use him so i can go and visit a boy. whatev. i never got to have my rebellious, selfish bitchy teenager stage. why not now? the sad thing is, i bet justin totally already forgot who i am. who cares. i want to go to new zealand regardless.
my head hurts. i got back my tax return from the state of utah. 250 bucks baby. i would've gotten more back but i was too scared to contact heather ash. i've come to the conclusion that i'm bored. with my life. school is whatever. i mean i like the fact that pretty soon i'm going to get to poke people with needles, and get free self harm from some other stupid ma, but there has to be more to life. i've decided i want to go to africa and go on a safari. all i need is to win the lottery. hey, i won $8 the other day. that's closer, right? i hate this. bordom is a bitch. and i have gas. don't you wish we convert our gas to gasoline for cars? it'd be so much cheaper. and i'd get to live off of bbq beans and cheese cake.
Friday, April 4, 2008
he's gone.

so, justin is probably on a plain right now flying to new zealand. i'm so sad. i almost wonder if it would've been better if i hadn't met him. ok, no that's definately not what i wish. just watch, someday i'm gonna be married to him. you laugh. but just watch. i'm already working on getting my passport. anyone for a new zealand trip in the not too distant future?
today i got certified for cpr. can i just tell you that that class was a load of shit. any class where they give you a cheat sheet and review the test right before you take it is really sad. let's just say that if i needed it, i'd rather not be resuscitated than have one of the students in that class slap an AED on me. regardless, i have a cpr card.
I start injections next week in my class. all this shit i was looking forward to isn't as exciting as it was before i met my future husband. i totally hope he never sees this. how freaking psycho do i sound. whatev.
my mom pissed me off tonight. i asked her to come to temple with me. it was my mom, judy and me, and they both ganged up on me trying to shuve brownies in my face. ok, i'm doing well. i made the mistake of telling them i accidentally lost like 5 pounds and shit. and i know it sounds stupid, but i really didn't mean to. i've just been all upset lately and you know how it's really hard to swallow when you're sad or anxious. plus i was just on my period, and let's not get into that. anyway, fuck. now judy keeps inviting her to shit. and i don't want to go. fuck that. i should just move to new zealand. ha ha. jk.
ps alana, don't you dare text my mom anything about this. i'll shoot you. thanks.
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