I'm not really sure why, but I'm sort of in a sad mood. I went to temple this morning because I worked last night and obviously couldn't go then. But I've been thinking of Justin non stop. And I know I'm stupid and crazy or whatever, but I miss him. NO, I haven't heard from him, but to his defense, I'm sure he's just too sad to contact me. He's in love. I'm sure of it.
On a not really happier, but different note, I smell like weed right now because my brother is out back smoking and I'm upstairs in the computer room and the window is wide open. I don't care what people say, it does NOT smell good.
So, for some unknown reason, my dad doesn't want me to have a car. That's not really what he says, but I'm convinced that's what he means to say. So lucky me, I get to walk 2 miles to work, in about 45 minutes. Let's be honest, I don't really mind it, because I don't exactly mind exerting energy and potentially losing weight or gaining muscle or whatever you want to call it, but I really just don't want to go to work. Working Friday, Saturday and Sunday night isn't exactly my idea of a chill weekend, but money is money. And when you don't have any, you'll waist your weekend easily for some nice cash. Although, it's not like I had anything to do anyway.
Is it weird that I'm slightly jealous that my dog is downstairs with my stinky brother instead of up here with me?
I've come to the conclusion that perhaps I have a lot going on in my head. I had another dream about Justin. I swear I don't stalk him. I even totally ignored the urge to drive by his house this morning. I mean, yes, he isn't there, but his truck is. And I have nice memories of that truck. Anyway, so see, I'm not that crazy. But in my dream, he told me he checks his phone every day to see if I called. I know this isn't true because t mobile doesn't work in New Zealand, and I've checked. It's off.
Recent events have caused me to once again question my worth. I don't mean to be all self-pittyish, but it's just ironic how it's widely known that people aren't perfect, and mistakes are inevitable. But I guess I'm just an aweful waist of woman.
I think it's funny that I just called myself a woman.
Maybe I should run to work.
I have to go potty.
That felt good. :D
I like to imagine it snowing in Utah right now, while it's fabulously warm out. It makes me feel like I have an advantage over you Utes.
HA! I win. Maggie just came upstairs because she realized boys are stinky.
Well, I guess I should stop and get ready for work. Poop.
remember how you are freaking amazing? because i remember for sure!!! and remember how i'm sorry you miss justin so much, but that it's totally okay to? and remember how i think you just need a break from life and that we just need to go play and ride on a nice big swingset and pretend we're 5 again? yeah, i remember too. and i heart you mucho. and just say no to pot! sick! even jason gave it up! we got pulled over and its a way funny story but i probably shouldn't post it online so call me and i'll tell you about it! but we got out of the ticket by talking to the copper about PX90 which i desperately need to start doing, so jason's getting it today! hooray! haha ps.. alisa is reading this book and i just started reading it too (because she's making me) and its about this dad who's little boy is hooked on meth and all of a sudden i'm telling you all i hear is a lecture on why not to do meth. i'm only on the 3rd chapter so who knows if it's really any good, but they sold it at starbucks so it must be a winner! haha and then i flip on the tv and its a story on some principal of an elementary who was a heroine junkie. yikes. but really, who freaking cares if people are doing drugs?! it's their freaking choice. just live your life and be good with it damn it!!! haha okay i'm done with my tirade now! loves you! :)
remember how i miss you too too much?! yeah, me too... :( maybe you should post an update on your life so i feel more connected to you... !!!! love ya t!
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