honestly... alright... so i sort of told a little lie to get out of class early today. elan called, and i haven't seen her in way too long, so at first i was planning on meeting her at her house today at 12pm. i don't get out of class till 2:30ish, so i told my teacher i had an appointment to get to. i'm honestly one of the better students in the class, and i've only missed one day. most people have missed more, and i know some that the teacher likes that have missed multiple times. well what does she say to me? "you're going to be missing quite a lot, will you bring a doctor's note?" ok, so i texted elan and asked if i could meet her at 2. that way i'd just tell my teacher i moved the appt for her. she told me that was much better. but as i was about to leave...15 minutes after 2, mind you, she says... don't forget your doctor's note. FUCK THAT!

so, i just came back from a little jog. it was actually quite nice and very not e.d. provoking. seriously. i went out to dinner with my mom and had a salad and french fries... isn't that contradicting ha ha... and i thought, i'd really like to take a little jog. it wasn't too far, and now i feel good. oh... so i saw elan! it was so nice to see her. i made her look at my boobs. i know she's jealous. so, she's going to SAB this summer in NYC, and i think i'm going to visit her. anyone want to join me? i think it'd be so much fun to go to nyc with you girls. minus all the eating troubles, because believe me, been there, done that, and it's not that much fun in the heat. anywho... yeah. elan and i went to a park in fullerton, and played on the swings and smashed open a watermellon on the ground and then ate it. don't worry, the parts we ate didn't touch the ground. it was good times. unfortunately, she took the pictures of us eating it, so i don't have them to post. i'll try to get her to email them to me.
i'm having a hard time getting motivated to go to school tomorrow. that freaking hag just pissed me off. ugh! yeah. so i'm tired. and thirsty! DIET COKE PLUS!! i'm out bitches. loves ya.
i'm in for a trip to nyc for sure! when is she going to be there?! i want to catch a show while i'm there. is she doing a production or just taking class>? let me know and i will check my school schedule! that would be uber fun. i'm out so i can check flights for next week! is LB okay? we can stop by and see father brian on the way back! ;)
ps. your teach is a douche.
pps. why do you have that pic of brie on there?!
I think you should burn down your teacher's house. After that, we'll go burn down CFC.
Hey tracy...I didn't know you had blog! How ya doing?
Is diet coke plus any good? Never had it.
Sadly I'm not in socal anymore....oh how i miss it though!
Take care,
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